In demand and as popular as ever Priyadarshan is ready with his next comedy of mishaps with Chup Chup Ke, previously titled Khatta Meetha. Priyadarshan may have failed with Kyon Kibut he hasn’t failed in bringing together big names in the industry and creating much hype for his films. Chup Chup Ke will be another film for off screen pair Kareena Kapoor and Shahid Kapur, and it also features Priyadarshan favorites Paresh Rawal and Suniel Shetty. The film has been in the news for some time not only because of its lead pair but because Kareena Kapoor plays a deaf and mute girl. This romantic comedy/drama involving a big mistake that occurs with Jeetu (Shahid Kapur), a nice young man who tries to get money wherever he can because he simply does not have it. After much pondering he decides it better that he commit suicide, leaving his father and fiancé behind. But, before he decides to commit the act he manages to hatch several money grubbing schemes before hand. One day he finally jumps into the ocean but his attempt at killing himself fails as he is caught in a net and then brought ashore by some fisherman Bandya (Paresh Rawal) and Gandya (Rajpal Yadav). They decide to nurture him but not without hatching their own money grubbing plot either. The fishermen believe he is from money and decide they can pan him off for cash as well. Jeetu plays along with their scheme and pretends to be deaf and mute. What follows is a love story of mistakes that only Priyadarshan can handle. After the scheming Jeetu encounters Shruti, who is actually deaf and mute. Jeetu arrives in the midst of a low point as Shruti’s engagement has been called off and her brother Mangal (Suniel Shetty) feels it is because she is deaf and mute. Naturally, Jeetu steps in but will he be able to hold up his ruse for long? When Shruti’s marriage is re-arranged can Jeetu save her and will love eventually happen for real? And with all these secrets will the real truth be revealed to his family that Jeetu is actually alive? Find it all out in Priyadarshan’s next release. |