Chor Chor
Contributed by Avinash Ramchandani
This album doesn't meet the quality of recent albums of Manirathnam (i.e. Roja and Bombay). AR Rahman goes too far to try to get attention with his very typical beats and a bit of European music mixed in. "Pyar Kabhi Na Todenge" is just a normal Rahman song with the little differences mixed in. Udit Naryan, SP Balasubrimanium, and Chitra sing on par. "Jhoom Jhoom Nacho" is the typical Rahman trademark song similar to "Chooti Si Aasha" in Roja and "Kucchi Kucchi Rakkhma" in Bombay. SP Balasubrimanium and Chitra sing the song on par again.
"Chor Chor" is sung by that annoying kid of "Kucchi Kucchi Rakkhma" fame. The child is truly annoying, the music is even worse. The worst part of the song is that I couldn't understand one word from that the child said on my first hearing. "Dil Hai Sanam Dil" is a good number with some typical Rahman music. There is a slight classical touch that brings out a facade that makes the song sound better on the first hearing than it is on later hearings.
"Hum Bhi Tum Bhi" is an okay number that just continues on Rahman's pace. The next song sounds like it came from outer space or something. "Jor Laga" is just the wierdest creation that Rahman has made. The theme music sounds like it was taken from the theme of Bombay with some instruments added. "Chandralekha" is the best number (although I have heard much better from Rahman) of the album, but it is from the abstract also. It sounds like it is radiating out of a loud car that is right next to yours and you want it to turn it off, but then you realize that it is the song! Sujata is just okay.
Rahman doesn't deliver in this album. The songs just are too repetitive from his previous albums. All the songs from this album seem like their music is just the same thing repeating itself over and over again.
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