'The Film' releasing on the 21st of October is produced by Junaid Memon and Amitabh Bhattacharya and directed by the talented Junaid Memon himself. The film introduces a number of new faces and talented actors (Ranvir Shaurie, Khaled Siddique, Ravi Gosain, Vaibhav Jalani, Chaahat Khanna, Vivek Madan and Ananya Khare) that star along with Mahima Chaudhary. It is the story of seven youngsters with varied talents but one ambition - to make it big in the celluloid world... to excel in the industry of Dream-makers.
The music of the film, by Samidha Khalid, should be releasing any day now on HMV Sa Re Ga Ma and one will hear singers like Lucky Ali, Roop Kumar Rathod, Sunidhi Chauhan and Suresh Wadekar in the album. 'The Film' showcases, very poignantly, the relentless strife of seven young strugglers whose brilliance and enthusiasm is comparable only to their overwhelming desire to excel. The lead protagonists are played by a whole bunch of talented actors like Mahima Chaudhary, Khaled Siddiqui, Vivek Madan, Ananya Khare, Chahat Khanna, Vaibhav Jhalani, Ravi Gosain and Sulabha Deshpande.
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