Actress Rose Sardana who recently moved from Chandigrah to Mumbai to shoot for her new television show, Akbar Birbal, has received a lot of love after the show went on air on the 31st of August. Rose who plays Tilotamma in the show is all set to romance Vishal Kotian who plays Birbal in the show.
Talking about the new romantic angle of the show, and her chemistry with Vishal, she says, “Vishal and I share a great bond! And since he’s done this show before, I know I can count on him to help me to get any scenes right! It always helps to have supportive costars, and then working is just a breeze! And of course, Vishal’s doing an absolutely wonderful job playing Birbal!”
Akbar Birbal marks the Rose’s first-ever comedy show, and her new role as Tilotamma has garnered a lot of attention. “I’m new to the whole comedy genre, so a little guidance from Vishal really helps me heaps! And our basic joint motive is to make the scene look very beautiful on screen. And of course, also very eye-catchy! And for that, chemistry between us is of utmost importance. So, we do our best to make all scenes look convincing and pleasing as possible”.
The show that presents the audience with a humorous take on the legendary Akbar Birbal story also stars actors Ali Asgar, Charu Asopa, and Aditi Sajwan.