India’s leading oral health care brand Colgate has appointed Bollywood’s leading actress Kiara Advani as the brand ambassador for Colgate Visible White. She will be seen is as the face of the product in the all new TVC campaign that will be launched on the 13th of December, 2020. Banking upon the concept of flawless smile, Colgate Visible White aptly chose Kiara Advani to accelerate the reach of their campaign using the mass appeal of the actress.
Kiara Advani’s infectious smile is one of the most appealing factors of the actress and encashing on the same Colgate India chose her as the face for their product.
Bollywood actress Kiara Advani said, “Colgate is synonymous with oral care in India being the earliest leading brands of toothpastes. The brand is very close to my heart as I have early memories of Colgate just like every individual of this country. A flawless smile is everyones desire and to be associated with a brand whose ideology matches with mine makes me innately proud and happy.”
The brand aims to promote Colgate Visible White amongst not just the metropolitan cities but also the rural areas with their 360 degree campaign to connect with the audience catering to the relevant points. Kiara Advani’s association with Colgate Visible White is expected to upgrade the reach of the product.