Information and broadcasting minister Shri Prakash Javadekar, announced IFFI 2020, today for the film nominations of its 51st film festival in Goa which was postponed due to Covid 19 and Nila Madhab Panda’s Odiya film “Kalira Atita” (Yesterday’s Past ) has been selected in it’s prestigious Panorama section.
Speaking on the selection Nila Madhab Panda says, “Kalira Atits is my first Odiya film and I am really happy that it will start its journey with the prestigious IFFI. This is definitely one good news this year and I hope the year ahead will bring more cheer.”
If prophecies are to be believed, the global warming and subsequent rise in the water level in the Bay of Bengal will result in Puri being submerged in the sea.
Achyutananda Das, a 16th century saint from Odisha, had written about doomsday in his famous book titled Achutananda Malika.
National Award-winning director Nila Madhab Panda’s first Oriya film, Kalira Atita (Yesterday’s Past), is inspired by the prophesies of Achyutnanda. It revolves around a man from the Satavaya village in east coast of Odisha which has been swallowed by the sea, a phenomenon common on our east coast.
Panda who has been shooting since 2005, says the reason he wanted to make it is because for many climate change is still a future shock and so leave them untouched. “This film emphasizes that it is a harsh reality and that people are losing their lives and livelihood because of it,” the director asserts.