Romedy NOW, India’s favourite English Entertainment channel, will premiere the award winning American teen romantic drama ‘If I Stay’ for the first time on Indian television on Sunday, August 26 at 1PM & 9PM.
The movie is an adaption of Gayle Forman’s best-selling 2009 novel ‘If I Stay’. Featuring Chloë Grace Moretz, Mireille Enos, Jamie Blackley, the film revolves around Mia Hall (Chloë Grace Moretz), a young cellist who meets with a car accident that leaves her in comatose. Mia is torn between the decision to either wake up and be stuck as an orphan or die and be with her dead parents but deviate from everyone else she loves. What will Mia choose? Life or death? Even at its most wrenchingly painful moments, the film ranks high on its cinematic brilliance.
Leading to the premier, Romedy NOW is running a social media campaign across the channel’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages for its fans. The campaign will include thematic and interactive social media activities such as Live Puzzles, #ReasonsToStay and #HelpMiaDecide contest.
Romedy NOW ignites the cord of love within each one of us through its fun and quirky content. Through its distinctive international content, Romedy NOW offers the viewers the perfect blend of love & laughter with movies like ‘If I Stay’.