Yami Gautam, who will be seen playing the role of a lawyer in ‘Batti Gul Meter Chalu’, paid a visit to Kidzania in Mumbai. The actress was given a warm welcome by the supervisors who performed to hit songs from her films. Yami also shook a leg with them as she arrived at the venue and did the signature step of her song ‘Nachange Saari Raat’ from ‘Junooniyat’.
Yami then went on to distribute prizes to winners of different art competitions and even had a one-on-one interactive session with the children who had come from the NGO Vimala Kids Society. As the event also marked the completion of five years of Kidzania, she cut a cake with the children to celebrate the occasion.
After the event, she had an interactive session with the media and spoke at length about her role in ‘Batti Gul Meter Chalu’ and upcoming projects.