Radisson hotel Barailly, India’s largest hotel chain has roped in the leading Bollywood actor Mukesh J Bharti as the Brand Ambassador for its first 360 degree brand campaign. Targeting its consumers across the country, Radisson will roll out its integrated campaign with TVC, print, digital and OOH advertisements, starting today. Mukesh J Bharti who was last seen in ‘Kaash Tum Hote, Mausam Ikrar ke Do Pal Pyar Ke & Pyar Mein Thoda Twist, will start shooting for his next action movie” C60” , “BAND BAJA BARELLY MEIN “ & with dream project titled “ Violence “
Mukesh J Bharti said, “It’s great to be a part of the Radisson family. Everyone has experienced the pain of staying at a budget hotel during family vacations and has unpleasant memories of not receiving the promised quality. I believe these experiences trigger suspicion and doubt amongst consumers and it is commendable to see a brand addressing that emotion. It’s great to see the commitment of Mehttab Ji to change the way the hotel industry functions, having already built Radisson as India’s largest hotel chain. I believe in their ambition of bringing quality & consistency into the budget hotels segment in India, and am happy to be part of such an endeavour.”
Quality assurance, which is a grave challenge for the budget hotel brands, is the core proposition and founding principle for Radisson. Through this campaign, the hotel brand wants to reiterate its focus on bringing a revolution in the hotel industry by assuring quality experience and providing value for money to guests at its properties.
During the Press Conference Mehttab Siddiqui, Managing Director, Radisson Bareilly Hotels said, “We are very excited about the campaign and our association with great actor Mukesh J Bharti. Mukesh is a rare blend of talent and versatility and his personality mirrors Radisson’s brand persona. Through our campaign, we want to make people aware of Radisson’s promise of delivering a quality stay at our properties.”
During the Press Conference in Radisson Hotel Mumbai Producer Manju Bharti has joined the stage along with Actor Mukesh Bharti and Mehttab Siddiqui Managing Director of Radisson Hotel wishes them best of luck for future.