Reliance Entertainment, a leading player in the Indian Entertainment industry, and Mid-Day Infomedia Limited (100 % owned subsidiary of Jagran Prakashan Limited, a leading media conglomerate in the business of print, radio, outdoor, and digital with iconic brands like Dainik Jagran, Radio City, Mid-Day, Dainik Jagran-inext, Nai Dunia, etc.) have joined forces and are delighted to announce a strategic collaboration. This innovative partnership aims to leverage the strengths of both entities to create captivating content inspired by real-life stories.
The collaboration between Reliance Entertainment and Jagran Prakashan Limited (through its 100% owned subsidiary Mid-Day Infomedia Ltd.) marks a significant step towards enhancing the quality and diversity of content available to audiences across various platforms. Through this collaboration, the two industry leaders will combine their expertise and resources to bring to life an array of compelling narratives drawn from the rich tapestry of human experiences.
Chhitra Subramaniam, Sr. Vice President, Creative & Production, Reliance Entertainment, expressed her enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, “We are thrilled to join forces with Jagran Group, a venerable institution in Indian media. This collaboration reflects our shared commitment to delivering impactful and engaging content to audiences. By blending Reliance Entertainment’s creative & producing prowess with Jagran Group’s deep-rooted understanding of real-life stories, we aim to create content that resonates deeply with people from all walks of life.”
Shailesh Gupta, Director of Mid-Day Infomedia Limited and Whole-Time Director of Jagran Prakashan Limited, also shared his perspective on the collaboration, stating, “Our collaboration with Reliance Entertainment aligns seamlessly with our mission to connect with audiences on a profound level through meaningful narratives. The power of storytelling is immense, and together, we can harness this power to bring stories that inspire, inform, and entertain.”
This collaboration is expected to yield a plethora of content across various mediums, including films, web series, documentaries, etc., enriching the entertainment landscape with authentic and relatable narratives. Reliance Entertainment and Jagran Group are poised to captivate hearts and minds, ensuring that their collaborative efforts leave an indelible mark on the world of entertainment.