In a heartwarming and inspiring initiative, renowned Indian producer Ektaa R Kapoor has launched a new campaign titled #IHaveComeALongWay, taking her followers on a nostalgic journey through her illustrious career as she gears up for the release of Thank You For Coming. Kapoor is using her platform to reflect on her remarkable transformation from a 17-year-old aspiring talent to a powerhouse producer who has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry.
Kapoor’s campaign takes a trip down memory lane, sharing glimpses of her early days on film sets, filled with dreams and aspirations. She vividly recalls the challenges she faced and the lessons she learned while striving to make a name for herself in the industry.
Notably, as part of the #IHaveComeALongWay campaign, Kapoor has also taken the heartwarming step of tagging her friends, encouraging them to share their story of going against all odds and coming a long way. This gesture aims to acknowledge and celebrate her belief in herself and the efforts that she has made to establish her pathbreaking journey till date.
With this campaign, Ektaa R Kapoor is not only showcasing her own resilience and determination but is also encouraging others to reflect on their personal journeys and appreciate how far they have come. The campaign serves as a reminder that success is often the result of relentless hard work, dedication, and the support of those who believe in one’s potential. After breaking the barriers with her previous releases, ‘Dream Girl’ and ‘Dream Girl 2’, ‘Veere Di Wedding’, ‘Love Sex Aur Dhokha’, Ektaa R Kapoor is all set for another path-breaking story with her forthcoming venture, ‘Thank You For Coming’.
The film talks about the lifestyles of five different women of various age groups, and with the trailer and songs released, the much-awaited film has been in talks for several reasons. One of the prime reasons is that the film hoisted its flag during its premiere at the Toronto Film Festival, where the film was bestowed with unanimous love and standing ovations from the audiences.