Pratilipi, India’s largest storytelling platform, recently teamed up with Wild Stone, a leading men’s grooming brand, to produce Ishqaa, a romance-themed animated series. Inspired by Pratilipi’s popular Hindi college drama Ishqaa. This 5 part series shines a spotlight on the emotional complexities of young men navigating relationships, life, and their journey of self-discovery. The series has piqued the imagination of audiences and has been read by over 500k users on the Patilipi app.
The Ishqaa series offers a refreshing narrative that explores the often overlooked emotional side of masculinity. It brings to the forefront the nuances of love, friendship, and vulnerability, offering viewers an authentic and relatable depiction of men’s emotional journeys. The series, which was released on Wild Stone’s YouTube channel, has already garnered over 200k new subscribers and generated significant engagement, serving as a reminder of how important it is to tell diverse stories about men’s relationships and growth.
Speaking about the project, Ranjeet Pratap Singh, Co-Founder and CEO of Pratilipi said, “Pratilipi is constantly exploring unique ways to enhance storytelling across various mediums—written, audio, and video series. This Men’s Day, we’re excited to spotlight this engaging drama focused around self growth & romance with seamless product placement, making it compelling to the right audiences.”
Arjun Rampal, Deputy GM at McNroe Consumer Products, said, “Our collaboration with Pratilipi allowed Wild Stone to connect with a dynamic audience through stories that resonate with modern masculinity. This partnership beautifully brought out the essence of our brand—bold, authentic, and unforgettable.”
This collaboration marks a significant milestone in branded storytelling, with Pratilipi positioning itself as a platform that allows brands to connect with audiences through impactful narratives.