Shital Antani has been working since she was twelve years old, she has worked in many Gujarati shows and also featured in Gujarati album as well. During her initial days, she was not used to facing the camera as she was a theater artist. She also got many opportunities working in Gujarati movies like Tarsi Mamta, Sunder Laal Sapna Wada and many more. Being an ambitious actress, Shital likes to play different types of character and would also like to work in Gujarati movies.
“In Gujarati movie I would like to do the role of Vidya Balan in Tumhari Sulu, and I adore Vidya, also I am sure that all the housewife who saw Tumhari Sulu must have thought that they should also start their own thing which is very much empowering and this is what I would like to do. It is a slightly bold role but I would have liked it to give it a shot.”
Shital is now working in a show called Muskan on Star Bharat with also stars actos Puneesh Sharma, Sharad Malhotra, Yesha Rughani, Sudesh Berry and others. Sheetal Antani will be also working in a Bollywood which you will get to know soon, hey it’s surprise.