Indian cinema advertising industry is one of the fastest growing mediums in the country today with a market size of approx. Rs. 1000 crore. It is currently growing at a rate of around 20 % annually which is the highest in the sector. The Industry is expected to touch a market size of 1400+ crores by 2021.
There were multiple factors that have played the role of a catalyst in the Indian cinema Industry. Factors such as technological advancement and the satellite transmission in the cinema industry have enabled the sector to accelerate speed, quality and the last mile connectivity. This has played a critical role in the Cinema Industry to deliver high quality services and products, compared other platforms such as TV, Radio and other digital platforms.
Mr. Siddharth Bhardwaj Chief Marketing Officer & Head of Enterprise Sales, UFO Moviez India Limited Said, “ Cinema has always been the best environment to be connected with the right target audience as 80% of the cinema audience today are in between the age group of 15-35 years. Moreover, the recent statistics shows that, 70% of audience are smart phone users who are today the change makers and target audience for movies and they are the future growth drivers of brands in India. “
He further added that “the next leg for the Industry’s growth will come from India’s Urban Heartlands. As the choice of in-cinema advertising is growing across segments with high impact customer connect compared to Television and online medium. Today UFO is India’s largest in-cinema advertising platform, with the power to impact almost 2.4 billion viewers annually through 3700+ screens across 1290 cities & towns in the country.”
As the industry started producing more number of box office hits every week, advertisers and brands have a reason to come back to big screen more often. Also, festivals too add a reason to celebrate their product’s campaigns through big screens which is enabling the sector with better ROI and a reason to create a positive change in the overall Industry.
The digital evolution has managed to bring in the Advertisers and other opinion makers back to large screen advertisements. Gradually the impact of the same has started reflecting across cinema categories too. Once, advertisers chose to provide advertisements only during those big starred movies of Salman Khan or Shahrukh Khan; the trend has drastically changed due to network it has built today as it is helping them to reach out to a larger audience cutting across the language barrier.
Brands keep coming every week, which is great for cinema as cinema is able to monetize inventory throughout the year. This is not only limited to big budget. Movies with great stories always had the power to connect with the right audience. However, there were many movies those hit the box office expectations too purely with the last mile digital connectivity that has been created by UFO.
Cinema has always been the passion of Indians and it has played an admirable role towards social impact. We always produced movies to match people’s imagination and Interest. Movies such as Toilet, Padman, Shubh Mangal Savdhaan, Badhaai Ho etc had the power to drive social change not only in metros but also in the heartland, as audience for the same now a days come from smaller towns.
Riding on the power of Cinema towards a social cause can have far reaping benefits in the short-run considering its large audience and acceptance amongst today’s youth.