Akbar Birbal actress Rose Sardana has recently featured in a song called Dil Main Hindustan which released a day prior to the Independence day. The actress shares with us her experience shooting for the song during lockdown and more.
She says, “The shoot was done in a very close-knit team. We shot this in a studio and ensured that we took all the necessary safety precautions. And to avoid too much a crowd every actor starring in the song was given their fixed time slot- which I think is really wise! And the best part is that we all did our own makeup and hair from home! So we just needed to go to the studio and shoot for barely an hour and come back.”
She further adds, “It feels great to be a part of a song that is especially dedicated to the independence of our country. I also feel like the music and the lyrics are truly amazing. One would really feel connected to our nation upon hearing it.”
The song also stars Nivedita Basu, Nyra Banerjee, Ruhi Singh, Yuktii Kapoor, and Vishal Singh. Dil Main Hindustan garnered a great amount of views, and has been well received by the audience.