When Bollywood was waiting to arrive in theatres in 2021, there were select Hollywood movies that were still trying to dare it all. No Time To Die was the last big release and before that Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings had also worked. Then there were Fast & Furious 9, Free Guy and The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It which had tried their luck. However, none could take a major opening.
Thankfully though, Eternals has reversed the trend. It has taken the best start ever for a Hollywood movie in 2021. Though an overseas movie is yet to take a double digit opening this year, even 7.35 crores is a good enough score as before this no other Hollywood film has managed even 3 crores start in 2021. In that perspective, Eternals is quite good, especially so since it came on a clash with Sooryavanshi, which is one of the biggest films of Bollywood not just in 2021 but even the years gone by. It is setting records already, so Eternals has done well so far.
There is certain loyalty factor that has started coming with films coming from Marvels and that can well be seen from the fact that even with limited promotion and new superheroes, Eternals has managed to get audiences in theatres. One needs to remember that the external factors that have impacted Sooryavanshi (occupancy rule, night curfews, general apprehension amongst audiences, theatrical release v/s content availability on OTT) are impacting a Hollywood movie as much, and hence Eternals numbers too should be considered as double digit in that sense.
The film has an audience of its own and should emerge as successful in time to come since it too has a free run ahead of two weeks.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources