Abhijeet Deshpande shared the inspiration behind his hit Marathi film “De Dhakka” at the SWA panel discussion. He said, “There is a concept in the industry called “breaking”. It means copy a particular film or scene but without making it look or feel like a copy”.
Abhijeet Deshpande says, “Mahesh Manjrekar and I together saw this film called “Little Miss Sunshine” and I loved that film but Manjrekar sir hated it. We had a discussion for about 12-15 minutes over why this film is good and why is it not and from there we got a thought that why don’t we make this film in Marathi, showing all the characters from a village area. The film’s name got the eyes of the audience and when the film released it was biggest hit of all the time and that’s how “De Dhakka” was made. I would still say that it was 80% contribution of Mahesh Manjrekar’s writing and direction, I just had small contribution in it.”
SWA had conversation on 21 January 2019 with Abhijeet Deshpande director of ‘Ani… Dr. Kashinath Ghanekar ‘. The session was about screenwriter and lyricists making a difference.