Vinayak Potdar, known for his roles in Half Ticket (2016) and Chikatgunde (2020), is gearing up for his upcoming film Malhar. Written and directed by Vishal Kumbhar, the film also stars Sharib Hashmi, Anjali Patil, Rishi Saxena, Shrinivas Pokale, Mohammad Samad, and Akshata Acharya in pivotal roles.
Talking about his role in the film, he said, “I am playing the character of Javed, who is quite mischievous but also very emotional. He handles every situation with responsibility. He is a very good friend of Bhairav, and has a strong bond with him, willing to do anything for their friendship.”
Sharing what attracted him to the character, he said, “What I liked about the character is his attitude towards every situation and his friendship with Bhairav. He also loves animals, which adds more layers to his personality.”
Regarding the preparations and challenges he faced, he mentioned, “The first challenge Shrinivas, who plays Bhairav, and I faced was learning the Kutchi Gujarati language. We had almost 2-3 months of language workshops.”
Speaking about his working experience, he said, “The experience was wonderful. I enjoyed working with Sharib Hashmi sir, Anjali ma’am, and many other co-actors. There are so many memories, especially when we were shooting at the Rann of Kutch. We shot many montages so spontaneously that people were unaware of it.”
Talking about the unique selling point of the film, he said, “I think the main USP is the story. It is a beautiful tale of a village and two boys, filled with lots of emotions and challenges.”
Malhar is produced by Praful Pasad and will be released in Hindi and Marathi in theaters on May 31.