Huma Qureshi has made India proud by being the only talent from the country to have earned a spot on the ‘New Wave Actors’ by Film Independent for her performance in the Netflix series, Leila. The gorgeous actress has been lauded and embraced for her acting prowess in Hollywood much ahead of her upcoming Zack Snyder directorial, Army Of The Dead.
For the same film, the crossover star had been stationed in the USA for a three-month-long schedule. Following the recent wrap up of the highly anticipated zombie heist movie, Huma flew back to Mumbai, India and is now set to visit her home in Delhi.
Talking about the same, she says, “Shooting in the US was too much fun and I learnt a lot. But I was missing home. I was ready to come back by the end of the schedule. Diwali in Mumbai was special and now I want to meet my parents who I have not seen for 6 months now. I’m ready to be spoilt by mom and dad.”