aha, the leading Telugu OTT platform, is all set to captivate audiences with its upcoming original web series, “Papam Pasivadu.” This delightful 5-episode series, scheduled for release on September 29th, 2023, explores the hilarious and chaotic journey of a heartbroken Kranthi desperately seeking love.
In “Papam Pasivadu,” viewers will witness the escapades of a 25-year-old protagonist as he grapples with heartbreak and yearning for love. His life takes a hilariously chaotic turn when not one, not two, but three different women become enamoured with this perplexed character. As these unexpected romantic pursuits unfold, audiences can expect an uproarious and entertaining ride through the ups and downs of love, laughter, and confusion.
Complementing the series, aha has released an enchanting song titled “Papam Pasivadu.” With its soul-stirring music, this song adds depth to the characters’ emotional journey.