Alia Bhatt took to Twitter to announce the release of the poster of the upcoming Hindi film ‘Yours Truly’. The actress tweeted, “SO SO happy to share the lovely poster for #YoursTruly, a very special film which also brings Mom & Dad together on screen for first time! ❤ Premiering @busanfilmfest Asia’s biggest film festival @Soni_Razdan @MaheshNBhatt @buntysaab @ShiladityaBora @nikhilc01 #YoursTrulyAtBusan”The film stars Soni Razdan, Alia’s mother, as the central protagonist and also has a cameo by her father Mahesh Bhatt. The film also stars Pankaj Tripathi and Aahana Kumra in important roles.
The film is set to have its world premiere at the upcoming Busan International Film Festival. The film has been selected in A window on Asian Cinema category. ‘Yours Truly’ has been produced by Shiladitya Bora for Platoon Films.