After a year and a half of wait, audiences can finally go back to the theatre to enjoy Ammy Virk and Sonam Bajwa’s Punjabi film Puaada which has opened to houseful collections wherever it has released. The opening day worldwide Gross for the film is Rs 1.25 crore, the film had a restricted release in Punjab as several theatres still remain shut but having said that wherever it released it is going to housefull capacities equal to all the blockbuster Punjabi films which is the same case in Delhi. This is truly a great sign for the box office as wherever the movie is released it shows audiences are coming out eagerly.
Not just only in India but across the world the film is performing to houseful capacities, the only major country overseas that is affected by lockdown right now is Australia, but everywhere else the audiences are coming back to cinemas and how.
To celebrate their film the stars of the film Ammy Virk and Sonam Bajwa held a special screening in Chandigarh last night and were overjoyed to see their film back on the big screen. Sonam Bajwa even made a special video for her fans to celebrate Puaada day and Ammy posted his gratitude to all audiences for returning back to cinemas. Attended by the cast and crew of the film, the screening turned out to be one of the biggest events after lockdown in Chandigarh with fans going into a frenzy to catch a glimpse of their favourite stars both on screen and at the screening in theatres.
Cinemas are back, along with audiences critics too are loving this film, as the film has received favourable reviews from critics all across praising this fun family entertainer for being a good time at the movies, exactly what everyone needs right now. Catch Puaada in cinemas near you, now playing worldwide.