Ananya Panday has added another feather to her cap by being appointed as the brand ambassador for the world-renowned luxury brand, Jimmy Choo. At the young age of 24, Ananya has achieved a historic milestone by becoming the youngest Indian actor to represent this prestigious international brand.
Jimmy Choo, synonymous with luxury and elegance, is thrilled to welcome Ananya Panday into their brand family. Known for her impeccable style and growing influence in the fashion and entertainment world, Panday epitomizes the values and ethos of Jimmy Choo.
Talking about this special association, the Dream Girl actor excitedly shares, “I am truly honored and thrilled to be a part of the Jimmy Choo family. It’s a dream come true to represent such an iconic luxury brand that has set the standard for glamour and style. I can’t wait to embark on this exciting journey and create magic together.”
This collaboration marks a significant moment in the fashion and entertainment industry, as Ananya Panday joins the ranks of global icons who have represented Jimmy Choo over the years.