The much-awaited Ganesh Chaturthi festival is around the corner and like every year, his devotees are eagerly waiting for his arrival. The charismatic actor Rithvik Dhanjani, too, has unwavering faith in Bappa and crafts his own eco-friendly Ganpati idols at home. While promoting his new film on MX Player titled, ‘Lost and Found in Singapore’, Rithvik spoke about his connection with Bappa and how he has never experienced a sense of being ‘lost’ in his life.
“I’ve never really lost anything; I’ve always found and received things. Where I am today is way better than what I ever asked for. So far, there’s nothing I’d want to change about my life, whether it’s a person or an experience. That’s why I’ve never felt lost. Like everyone else, I’ve also faced tough times but I see them as blessings too. When time is good, it’s a blessing, and when it is tough, it’s also a blessing! Mujh par Bappa ka haath hamesha hai! (I have always felt that I have Bappa’s blessings and he is always looking out for me). So, there’s never been a ‘lost moment’ in my life,” expressed Rithvik.
MX Studios, the in-house content studio of MX Player associated with the Singapore Tourism Board (STB) to bring ‘Lost and Found in Singapore’ that follows the journeys of an introverted solo traveler (Rithvik Dhanjani) and an adventure-seeking girl (Apoorva Arora) who champions friendship. Amidst Singapore’s iconic landmarks and hidden gems, their destinies rest in the hands of the audience. Viewers guide their choices, creating diverse paths and unique viewing experiences. This immersive collaboration caters to younger Indian audiences, blending entertainment with novel travel inspiration.
Lost and Found in Singapore is streaming for free only on MX Player.