India’s popular heritage platform Royal Fables came to the city of Baroda for the show this year. It was hosted by the gracious royal family of Baroda. It was the very first time in the history of Lakshmi Vilas Palace that the doors of ‘Durbar Hall’ were opened for a public event. Interestingly, all the royals attending the event decided to wear Mehraab outfits for the grand affair. Mehraab is a leading luxury design brand by fashion designer Arun Ahuja.
While royals like Nawab Kazim Ali Khan of Rampur, Kunwar Yaduveer Singh of the royal family of Bera and Digvijay Singh of BBG royals donned Mehraab, interestingly Mr India International Darasing Khurana also wore a gorgeous Mehraab outfit at the do. His outfit was inspired by the French Presley, the work was done with authentic silk threads and it had a touch of gold embellishments.
Excited about his outfit, Darasing said, “The moment I saw the outfit, I knew I wanted to wear it. The very fine work and subtle colours impressed me. And as I tried it on, it made me feel like a royal.”