Dr. Karen Sutherland, lecturer – public relations, School of creative industries, University of the sunshine coast, has got 20 years’ experience working with companies such as ABCTV, Grundy Television, Fremantle Media International , The Australian Red Cross Blood Service and Monash University. Dr Karen’s passion is providing simple and effective social media solutions to business and nonprofits without the jargon.
Team Media Tribe welcomed Dr. Karen and her team in Indian traditional way ie. with tikka and aarti. Then the conversation started which went for an hour long. Everyone was so enthusiastic to share their thoughts. It also showed that being two different countries we have so many things in common. Dr. Karen was all excited to know how Sunil Gupta, the founder of Media Tribe, have gained so much at such a young age. She asked him about how this journey started and what all obstacles he and his team faced. On which his answer was that, the importance what social media is getting right now made him turn his path towards starting up a digital marketing agency even after being an engineer by profession. He spoke about how the advertisements on our phones and internet slowly reducing the importance of billboards on the highways, and how with the youth who is attached to platforms like instagram, facebook , twitter, it is easy to reach to a huge audience at a time. Talking about working in a team he said that brainstorming sessions with the team helps to come up with great ideas. He thinks that the team members should connect to each other well to create a great work. When asked him about what is the formula to keep growing in this business, he said, taking care of the client and giving heart and soul to fulfill all his requirements will always keep you growing.!
After such an interesting conversation and snacking on some chips and a good coffee. Dr. Karen and their team were ready for the goodbye. Team Media Tribe which consists of Founder Sunil Gupta and Co- founder Kajal Mishra, Raj patil, Roshani Lingayat, Nilam Patil, Shweta Herlekar, Iftekhar Shaikh, were thankful to Dr. Karen for giving them the privilege to host her and her team.