Guru Randhawa has been in Indore to meet his fans, after his Moonrise India Tour show in Indore got postponed due to rains. When he arrived in the city, Guru decided to try some local delicacies and got mobbed by his enthusiastic fans. The incident occurred when Randhawa stopped by a local sweet shop to indulge in the city’s famous culinary delights.
The singer’s arrival at the sweet shop sparked widespread excitement among his fans, who quickly gathered outside the store, eager to catch a glimpse of their idol. As news of Randhawa’s presence spread like wildfire, the crowd grew exponentially, with fans of all ages thronging the area. Guru seemed quite flattered by this amazing response from his fans.
Despite the singer’s security team’s best efforts, fans surged forward, attempting to get closer to Randhawa.
The incident serves as a testament to Randhawa’s immense popularity and the devotion of his fan base. Known for hits like Lahore and High Rated Gabru, the singer has established himself as one of India’s leading musical talents.
His Moonrise India Tour was supposed to start today and will end in December. However, the unfortunate weather conditions led to the Indore concert being postponed. But Guru made sure to still interact with his fans. This was the first time Guru was going to perform in Indore. He will also have shows in Patna, Jaipur, Lucknow, Delhi NCR, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Nasik, Raipur, and Dehradun.