Harshvardhan Rane, who was shooting for his upcoming Telugu movie, Brindavanamadi Andaridi in Andhra Pradesh, was down with fever. The actor, who was unwell, received a call from the makers to shoot a song sequence in Araku Valley. Since Harshvardhan didn’t want to delay the shoot schedule, he obliged to the makers’ request and shot despite high fever.
A source informs, “He had been feeling sick for the last few days and his body temperature shot up over the weekend. It was quite hot and sultry in Araku Valley. He took medicines and continued with the shoot. There is no way he can fly back to Mumbai and take time off till he recovers because of date issues.”
“Despite being ill, Harshvardhan worked day and night and finished shooting for the beautiful song sequence at the valley,” the source adds.
Recently, we spotted a post on the actor Harshavardhan Ranes social media account which had the hunky actor shooting for his new film with fever.
We contacted him to enquire about the exact nature of his ailment but the affable actor laughed it off saying “I’m absolutely recovered now and I think every actor has had an incident of shooting in an uncomfortable situation. What amazed me was the power of the mind ! I had a 103 temp but every time I heard action the adrenaline took over and I did some situationally inconceivable moves.”