Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmaavat, released seven years ago, is a cinematic masterpiece that redefined grandeur in Indian cinema. Showcasing the legendary tale of Padmavati, the film is a visual spectacle with opulent sets, intricate costumes, and soul-stirring music. Featuring stellar performances by Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, and Shahid Kapoor, Padmaavat remains one of Bhansali’s most ambitious projects, blending breathtaking storytelling with unmatched visual artistry.
Sanjay Leela Bhansali explained that the film incorporates historical incidents and figures, saying, “It is based on the poem Padmawat by Malik Mohammed Jayasi. However, it also has figures and incidents taken from actual history. I have been fascinated by Padmavati since childhood. Her grace, dignity, valour, and inner strength are very inspiring.”
He revealed that he had long envisioned creating a film on Padmavati’s life and even directed a stage musical years earlier: “I wanted to make a film on her life for a very long time. But before I could do the film, I got the chance to direct the stage musical version of Padmavati, an opera in two acts by the French composer Albert Roussel that I directed in Paris in 2008.”
“That Padmavati was a staged musical done on a lavish scale with elephants, tigers, and other animals on stage. It was an entirely different experience from the film. This is the first time I explored evil in such dark deep detail. I had never before gone into this zone before. To portray evil on this scale was a new and challenging experience for me,” he shared.
Every frame, scene, and performance in Padmaavat cemented its legacy as one of Indian cinema’s greatest films. Seven years later, its timeless charm endures as the film prepares for a grand re-release in theaters on February 6, 2025. Grossing over ₹500 crore worldwide in its original run, Padmaavat remains one of India’s highest-grossing and most beloved masterpieces. Don’t miss the chance to relive this cinematic spectacle on the big screen!