Seasons Greetings creates a benchmark in Bollywood by having an intimacy supervisor for the film. Azhar Khan was initially not comfortable with doing intimate scenes, and so they came up with the idea of having an intimacy supervisor onboard.
The male lead Azhar too is happy with the new development.
“If we have an Intimacy Supervisor on board, then she will safeguard the interest of the male and female actors,” says Azhar.
The film has an intimate scene that is picturized on the male lead actor Azhar Khan.
Director Ram Kamal had made sure to involve only fewer people on the set while filming the scene to make them both feel more comfortable. He also spoke to Celina’s husband Peter Haag and narrated the story and importance of the intimacy. He wanted to make sure that Celina is comfortable mentally and also on the marital front. One day before the shoot of the intimacy scene, there was a workshop conducted to ease out the initial awkwardness for the leading actors.
Says Azhar Khan, “I was anxious about performing an intimate scene, and since it was going to be filmed, it scared me even more. But I would give entire credits to Ram Kamal for making me and Celina comfortable and allowing us almost directs the lovemaking scene as he wanted us to be physically in charge to get the best emotion out. Celina was very cooperative and has been comforting me throughout the shooting of the intimate scene.”