Actor Karan Deol has turned a year older today as he celebrates his special day, the family and the fans showered him with so much love! To express his gratitude, Karan took to his social media and to share an unseen picture of him with Grandfather and legendary veteran actor Dharmendra and wife Drisha Acharya. The actor also penned a heartfelt caption which said, “Feeling truly blessed and overwhelmed with all the love! 🙏✨ Thank you everyone for the heartwarming birthday wishes. Your love has made my day extra special!”
Drisha Acharya shared a mushy birthday wish for husband Karan Deol, she took to her Instagram handle and shared an adorable monochromatic couple photo of them which was one of the most adorable photo we have seen of them till date and she captioned it as, “Happy Birthday (accompanied by a red heart emoji), she wrote alongside.
Brother Rajveer Deol posted childhood picture where the duo were seen giggling as they looked innocently into the camera. There’s no doubt that they nailed the traditional Pahari caps. Wishing his ‘Rocky’ brother, he captioned the post, “Happy Birthday Rocky @imkarandeol”.
Father Sunny Deol also took to his Instagram handle and shared a a wholesome picture from Karan’s wedding as they looked absolutely dapper in ethnic wear, he captioned the picture, “Love u my son. Happy Birthday,”.