Khushi Kapoor, the young star who has been eagerly anticipated to make her Bollywood debut, made quite the impression at an event for her upcoming movie, Zoya Akhtar’s Archies.
The actress wowed attendees with her chic white tube bell dress, showcasing her flair for style and setting the stage for a promising debut in both film and fashion.
Khushi Kapoor who was seen at a recent event, stole hearts once again with her elegance and humble presence as she revealed exclusive insider details from her upcoming film.
Speaking of when she got the big call of her casting from director Zoya Akhtar she said, “When I got the call from Zoya saying that I’ve been chosen for the film, I was with a friend, and as soon as I cut the call, she gave me a tight hug, and I started bawling, crying because it was truly such a special moment.”
Speaking about the camaraderie on the set and the bond the cast shares
Khushi shared, “We have all been there for each other from the beginning, and we all have individual relationships. It felt like one big school trip, where we were going to each other’s rooms, making Maggi and popcorn. I felt really lucky to have true friends through the process who could talk to each other through all of it.”
Khushi also shared how the cast thoroughly prepared for their roles as she shared, “We have a lot of our character’s personalities in ourselves. It was great to work with Zoya and find those different layers of the characters. We did train a lot, we had swimming, cycling, skating, and acting workshops so we could get comfortable with our characters and ourselves. By the time we got to the shoot, we were extremely well prepared.”
Khushi’s presence at the press conference was just a glimpse of her dedication, acting prowess and chic style. As she stood on the stage, the cheers and admiration from the crowd were testament to the excitement surrounding her first steps in the world of cinema.