Bhushan Kumar brings the fan favourite couple Ankita Lokhande and Vicky Jain together for a heart wrenching tale of love and betrayal with Animal Fame Saurabh Sachdeva. Titled ‘Laa Pila De Sharaab’ the music video features this dynamic trio accompanied by soulful vocals of Vishal Mishra and the heart touching composition by Manan Bhardwaj.
Laa Pila De Sharaab also marks Ankita and Vicky’s first individual music video as well as their first together. This is also Saurabh’s first ever music video. ‘Laa Pila De Sharaab’ promises to captivate audiences with its beautiful direction by Mihir Gulati, soulful melody and poignant lyrics penned by Manan Bhardwaj.
Ankita Lokhande, known for her stellar performances, said, “‘Laa Pila De Sharaab’ is a beautiful composition that hits just the right chords. Working on screen with Vicky was a new experience for me and I will always cherish it. Sharing screen with Saurabh, who is such a talented actor has been truly an incredible experience. I’m sure the fans are going to love our trio.”
Vicky Jain, entrepreneur and actor, said, “Working alongside Ankita and Saurabh on ‘Laa Pila De Sharaab’ has been nothing short of a joy ride. This is my first time acting and I’m really hoping the audiences show their love and support.”
Saurabh Sachdeva, acclaimed actor adds, “Being a part of this song has been an absolute delight. Vishal Mishra’s soulful rendition and Manan Bhardwaj’s brilliant composition have elevated this song to another level. Ankita and Vicky are such a lovely couple, and I am thrilled for the audiences to experience the magic we’ve created together.”
Composer and lyricist Manan Bhardwaj said, “‘Laa Pila De Sharaab’ is a melody born out of passion and creativity. Collaborating with such talented artists has been an enriching experience and I am proud of what we’ve achieved with this track.”
Singer Vishal Mishra said, “The song’s emotional depth and musical intricacy make it a standout piece, and I’m glad to be a part of this song. It’s always a great experience working with Manan bhai, and I’m sure the listeners will love every bit of it.”