Celebrated Hindi film producer Manish Mundra, who is credited for giving us award-winning films like Masaan, Dhanak, Newton, Kaamyaab, among others is making sure to do his bit in these trying times. Today when we are all battling coronavirus, the global health pandemic, Manish Mundra is quietly helping millions of Indians all across the country in every way possible.
Manish, the founder of Mumbai-based studio Drishyam Films, whose latest film Tryst with Destiny recently won a prestigious award at Tribeca, has been actively involved with securing rations and other relief materials along with celebrity photographer-film producer Atul Kasbekar and celebrity chef Vikas Khanna. Apart from mobilising many others in the industry to step forward and help out, he has also provided Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kits to the frontline workers who are risking their lives for all of ours safety, from doctors and medical staff at leading government hospitals to BMC and Mumbai Police workers and even CISF personnel. Active on social media ever since he decided to produce Rajat Kapoor’s Ankhon Dekhi over Twitter in 2015, Manish’s Twitter handle now is all about connecting with individuals and organisations who are in dire need of help in these unprecedented times.
Apart from this, Manish recently distributed over 84,000 sanitary pads as a part of his special initiative to distribute #1MillionPads. He dispatched 7500+ packets to different parts of Mumbai including Vashi along with 3000 packets to Noida and Delhi followed by 1000 packets to Bangalore. He recently even sent out 300 MS steel pipe beds to Lucknow’s King George’s Medical University University for a makeshift corona isolation centre. His Twitter feed is filled with this and countless other acts of solidarity with Indian citizens battling the virus, with #IndiaFightsCorona and #LetsDoMore, his clarion calls to action, have received thousands of tweets from celebrities as well as ordinary citizens joining hands to help each other.
Opening up about his endeavours, Manish Mundra said, “I feel it’s everyone’s responsibility to stand by each other in these difficult times. Today when we are facing this global health pandemic, it’s the time to do our bit and make this world a safer place for each one of us.” At the recently concluded #IndiaCares webinar which also had much-loved #CoronaWarriors Bollywood actor Sonu Sood and Odisha IPS Arun Bothra among others, Manish was quoted as saying “Pain unites us, having seen pain so closely, it comes from within the heart to help. Our Bhartiya sanskriti has shaped us in a way that we can’t tolerate the pain of anyone.”
Even after personally buying and donating relief materials, mobilising volunteers and coordinating deliveries of essential supplies and rations to the needy, from early March onwards till date, Manish Mundra is still going strong with his motto #LetsDoMore for Indians all across the country.