Renowned casting director-filmmaker, Mukesh Chhabra has made a substantial contribution to Indian cinema by introducing some of the most remarkable talents in the country to the world. Close on the heels of clocking in 100 films as casting director in Bollywood, Mukesh has scored century with Anurag Kashyap’s latest release, Manmarziyaan.
Mukesh informs, “People are beginning to respect the job only now. It is no longer about hiring the next available person. Casting, today, is about finding a talent that matches a story. The artiste must have the required look, attitude and dialect. Today, characters are more important than actors. Gone are the days when people would ask kaun kiska beta hai”.
With years of cinema expertise and now also ruling the internet space, Mukesh has successfully spotted and honed the very best of acting talent in line with the exact requirements of feature films, TV commercials and other mediums.
Having worked on three 100 crore grossers this year – Baaghi 2, Race 3 and Sanju, Mukesh has handpicked and trained competent artists to portray challenging roles that were seemingly in complete contrast to their inherent psyche and potential.