Teenage years are the most important years of a person’s life. You come across people you hold on to and people you absolutely do not need in your life. Whether long-lasting or short term, all of them tend to serve a different purpose. With everyone still figuring it out in their teens, here are the type of friends you have definitely come across during those times!
• The Chatter Box: We always have that one friend who can talk and never stop! Day or night, you can count on them for your daily dose of drama, gossip or worldly news. With an opinion on anything and everything, the talkative one is definitely a tick on everyone’s friend list
• The Cranky Topper: Do you have that friend who says ‘Maine toh kuch bhi nahi pada’ and yet aces every exam? Doesn’t it annoy you when they go on to say – ‘Yaar, bas itne hi marks?’ Well, we’ve all been there and stuck it through with their unsatisfied behaviour
• The Stuck Up: ‘No ya, I don’t think we should bunk class’, or ‘Let’s not do this, we’ll get caught’, we’ve all had a friend who is afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone or is too scared to venture out. But they are important to keep the crazy ones on the ground, don’t you think?
• The Adventurous Type: Contrary to the stuck up, this friend is up for anything at any hour. Be it bunking class or sneaking out to get some ice-cream at odd hours – you know if you feel adventurous, you can always count on them
• The Best Friend: This is obviously the greatest kind of friend to have! They know all of your secrets and stick up for you no matter what. They appreciate your ridiculous, nonsensical jokes. The ultimate best friend will likely remain in your life far past college. With the times you have spent together, it will be hard to just walk away from each other.
Bringing memories of all of your teens and every friend you have had, MX Player presents to you Insiders. A TVF creation, Insiders are a bunch of millennials trying to protect the pillars of their childhood from falling as they inevitably turn towards adulthood. The five-episodic series takes you on an adventure of how Shiv, Rabbi, Aneesh and Shravya deal with unexpected situations as their imaginations take the most bizarre turns each time they meet. The show stars Omkar Kulkarni, Ritvik Joshi, Arnav Bhasin and Himika Bose in the lead. A quirky teenage drama show that follows the lives of 3 young boys who start a self-proclaimed club that meets every weekend, just to kill time while their parents hang out. The streams exclusively on MX Player from 12th April, 2019