India’s biggest festival is in play with the 2019 General Elections and the time of should haves, could haves and would haves is long gone. Be the change you want to see and express yourself! Now is the opportunity to reflect upon subjects that make a difference, look beyond our convenience and use our actions to make a significant change. Don’t vote because you like the party, don’t vote because a leader is charismatic but vote for the topics that matter to you.
Here are four issues that we think merit a vote!
River Pollution
Water pollution is one of the most troubling environmental issues the country is and has been facing since a while. Rising pollution of rivers is a significant concern for the people of India and in turn for the Indian Government. Being a source of livelihood for several individuals, the situation calls for thorough examination and support from the people of the country. Do your bit, begin by not littering water bodies!
Freedom of Speech
The right to express yourself without censorship, restraint, or legal penalty is the need of the hour. No matter what – speaking up for what you believe in is a must.
Women’s Safety
This is the most questionable and contentious concern of the country. The day we are able to change mindsets and teach our boys how to respect and honor the opposite sex – this menace will stop threatening the women of this nation.
It has been witnessed that with the passage of time, the rich have become richer and the poor still poor. We need ingenious ideas from any quarter and a leader who can fix the gap and erase this line of disparity.
To know the unfiltered reality of each of these matters watch MX Original Series Express Yourself, a show where some of India’s finest musicians come together to raise their voice against prevalent issues in society. The first four episodes include songs from the melodious Sonu Nigam – whose episode is based on women safety, the vivacious Monica Dogra who tackles freedom of speech, river conservation that is highlighted by the sensational Papon and inflation by Swanand Kirkire. Each episode takes the viewer through a journey riddled with facts and statistics that will leave you horrified, visuals that leave a lasting impression and heart-wrenching testimonials that come together in a song that will touch your soul. The short format series sets the wheel in motion and compels you to reflect on issues that plague the nation.