Ranveer Singh has set the silver screen ablaze with his recent portrayal of Rocky in Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani, delivering what many are calling one of the best performances of his illustrious career. With his incredible acting prowess and infectious energy, the talented star has left audiences awestruck and critics singing his praises.
Talking about the response he has received from the audiences, he says “I’m very touched and very overwhelmed with this outpouring of love, it is beyond my imagination. People are laughing, crying and cheering for Rocky in the halls. I’ve witnessed it first hand and it is so heartening to see. The kind of unanimously emotional and effusive reactions that are pouring in have filled me with immense joy. It’s a special one. My heart is glowing with gratitude today.”
Not just fans, but film critics have been effusive in their praise for Ranveer’s performance as Rocky. His ability to seamlessly immerse himself in the character and deliver a compelling, nuanced performance has garnered critical acclaim, with reviewers hailing him as one of the finest actors of his generation.