Nikita Dutta’s love for Shah Rukh Khan knows no bounds. Time and again, the talented actress has expressed her love for Shah Rukh Khan and recently shared a video on her social media where she is seen grooving to a track from ‘Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge’. The actress was enjoying her time in Baku, Azerbaijan, when she visited a shop where the shopkeeper played the song ‘Mehandi Laga Kar Rakhna’. The actress, a die-hard Shah Rukh Khan fan, stood up at the shop and started dancing.
The actress shared the video of her on social media and captioned it, “There is a universal love language. It’s called @iamsrk. This is a bakalava shop in Baku! This man had an entire playlist full of his songs.”
Nikita Dutta has referred to the superstar Shah Rukh Khan as a “universal love language.” Earlier this year, Nikita had shared her wish to go on a date with Shah Rukh Khan. The actress said, “Undoubtedly, Shah Rukh Khan, I am always smitten by him, and I am dying to work with him.”
On the professional front, Nikita is set to star in Siddharth Anand’s Netflix production, ‘Jewel Thief’, where she will share the screen with Saif Ali Khan and Jaideep Ahlawat.