Last few days of December typically means enjoying Christmas festivities, may it be at home or at a party followed by New Year’s Eve celebrations. So how do you enjoy this much needed break but still not get a shock when you weigh yourself on 1st Jan?
Nutritionist and Strength Coach& Founder of Get Fit with Rihana – Rihana Qureshi has a pro-tip for all Christmas and New Year revelers to help them keep their weight in check while celebrating guilt-free, she says, “December means celebration time – holidays, weddings, Christmas, new year’s eve and so many other things to look forward to. But here’s simple advice on how to have a good time without gaining a lot of “holiday weight”. And no, you don’t need to give up on enjoying either. Enjoy the celebrations as and when they come – Eat that brownie, Drink that wine But DO NOT let a few celebratory meals turn into a whole month of eating off track. It’s often so that one indulgence leads to another and then you lose hope and go all out. But it’s important to remember that a one-off indulgence won’t pack on kgs for you. But giving up hope and repeating that over and over again, certainly will.”
“Another alternative is to just keep a tab on the portion size. You can enjoy with a small slice of your favorite brownie instead of 3 large ones. It’s often the over-eating that accelerates fat production in our bodies. If you have back to back events/parties to attend, just choose consciously where you want to eat/drink and how much. It’s not mandatory to eat/drink every time to have celebrate after all. If you absolutely must eat at parties, then try compensating by eating lesser calories throughout the day otherwise. It will help balance your overall intake.”
Also, having an active lifestyle like working out regularly or just going for a run regularly will help burn some calories gained by these indulgences. If you have been working out, now is the best time to hit the gym since weight training helps burn calories throughout the day.