Actor Rajpal Yadav’s contribution towards the Indian cinema is invaluable. From films like Jungle, Pati Patni aur Woh, to now Bhool Bhulaiya 2 and Ardh, the seasoned actor has time and again proved his worth and has managed to become everyone’s favorite actor. Recently, the actor received a doctorate degree in arts for his contribution in Indian cinema. Read on to know what he has to say about this.
The actor says, “I’m extremely thankful for the two honours that I have received over the past two months. The honorary professorship from NIMS, Jaipur and the Doctorate from the International Open University. It is an amazing honour and I dedicate them both to “Janta Janardan” as if it wasn’t for their love none of this would have been possible. “
Rajpal was honoured with the seasoned actor honorary doctorate degree in Arts at the convocation ceremony held in Bhopal on the 24th of July by the board of directors of the international open University of humanity health science and peace, America.
Rajpal will be next seen in the horror-comedy film Taxi Mein Bhoot Hai.