Amazon Mini’s Playground, which is the first-ever gaming reality show in India, has been getting rave reviews given its one-of-a-kind and fresh concept. RJ Mahvash, who’s hosting the unique show, is thrilled that the show is reaching its finale. Read on to know more.
Playground, that’s garnering more attention by the day is one of the first show that is aimed towards the young gaming community of India. Also hosted by VJ Benafsha Soonawalla and RJ Rohit Varghese, the show has a competitive participants who are competing with each other to win the ultimate 50 lakh prize money. RJ Mahvash who’s known for her witty and humorous content on her social media is the showrunner of Playground and has her fans hooked to the unique game show.
Also part of the show are content creators Foram Botadra and Sakshi Keswani who have been impressive to say the least. Sakshi who simply introduced herself as a crazy, fun content creator has surely lived up to her promise to entertain the viewers. While Foram, who’s a phenomenal dancer and a fitness enthusiast has had quite an admirable journey on the show too.
We eagerly look forward to see who takes away the prize as all the contestants on the game show are performing remarkably.