Sagar Pagar, Mumbai, has won the prestigious “Award of Recognition” for “Best Documentary Film” at the IndieFEST Film Awards, USA 2019. The IndieFEST Film Awards recognizes film, television, videography and new media professionals who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity, and those who contribute to profound social change. The award was given for Mr Sagar Pagar, Writer, director & Producer of the informative and engaging documentary “The Voice”, which features the exceptional story of a woman, Mrs. Amruta Fadnavis who made notable contributions towards the welfare of the Indian society through her hard work, dedication and the will to make a difference. It aims to inspire the generation of today to have a vision like her of uplifting lives of those who are under priveledged. Any nation is the result of the people in it. If the quality of lives of the people improve, the nation by itself reaches new heights.
Pagar is the founder and CEO of 5 established brands, all catering to different segments. His curiosity to learn and explore new things made him venture out into different fields of IT, Production, Spa Expert, Brand Consultancy, Writing and Directing.
“We are obliged and grateful to have received such a prestigious title from one of the leading film awards across the world. As a film maker, it only pushes and inspires me to create more wonderful and challenging content that would connect to people and would break all set notions of mainstream cinema. I believe that the common man can truly understand the medium and language of a film. And that is what we at Mitokondria films have always aimed at, to make sure we connect with our audience in a way they would understand” – Mr Sagar Y. Pagar