Actor and fitness icon Sahil Khan has set a new benchmark in luxury and style by gifting himself a stunning limited edition Rolex Rainbow watch worth ₹4 crore. This exquisite timepiece not only exemplifies his impeccable taste but also solidifies his position as a trendsetter in the world of luxury.
The watch, a masterpiece of craftsmanship and innovation, is part of Rolex’s most exclusive collection. With its rare features and intricate design, it is considered a symbol of prestige and success, making it a perfect addition to Sahil’s growing collection of luxury assets.
Speaking about his new acquisition, Sahil said, “Luxury isn’t just about owning things; it’s about celebrating milestones and hard work. This watch is a reminder of my journey and the passion that drives me every day.”
Sahil Khan, often referred to as the “Youth Icon of Fitness” in India, is known for his larger-than-life persona and penchant for luxury. Over the years, he has built a legacy that inspires millions, both in terms of his fitness regime and his entrepreneurial ventures.
This new addition to his collection has also made him one of the few Indians to own such an exclusive Rolex Rainbow watch, further elevating his stature among fans and peers.