The Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles (IFFLA) is thrilled to announce that acclaimed actress Shriya Pilgaonkar will be joining the jury panel for the Shorts category at the 2024 edition of the festival. This news comes across as a big win for Shriya who has established herself as one of the most versatile performers in the Indian Film industry with successful series and films to her credit .
Shriya’s dynamic career spans across mainstream and independent cinema , as well as digital series. After gaining accolades for performances in series like Mirzapur , Guilty Minds , Taaza Khabar and most recently , The Broken News 2 ,the beautiful actress consistently showcases her ability to bring complex characters to life with depth and authenticity. In addition to her success in Indian cinema, Shriya has also made her mark in international projects, including the British series Beecham House directed by Gurinder Chaddha and the French film Un plus Une by veteran filmmaker Claude Lelouch.
“I am honoured and thrilled to be invited as a jury member for the short film category at the Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles 2024. I look forward to attending the festival in LA and watching these stellar shorts by emerging South Asian filmmakers. The atmosphere at film festivals is always creatively energizing and deeply inspiring. I’m excited to meet and interact with diverse storytellers and performers, and to witness the incredible line-up of films at IFFLA,” said Shriya.
Shriya’s powerful repertoire positions her as a valuable addition to the IFFLA jury, where her insights will help spotlight emerging talent and innovative storytelling in short films. Her experience in producing and directing short films and documentaries, which have traveled to international film festivals, further enriches her perspective.
The festival shall be held between 27th June – 30th June 2024. This year, the intriguing submissions in the Shorts Program include ‘Hema’ featuring Rajshri Deshpande, ‘Last Days of Summer,’ ‘Lori,’ amongst others. Apart from this, the festival will close with Maharaja starring Vijay Sethupathi and Anurag Kashyap, Guneet Monga and Karan Johar’s Kill starring Lakshya are some of the films from India at IFFLA 2024.