In India’s fast-changing cinema world, where trends come and go, there’s a film that captivated audiences’ hearts. “Kartam Bhugtam,” a small-budget gem produced by Gandhar Films, breaks the mold in an industry often focused on profit. With its completely original story and gripping screenplay crafted by Soham P Shah, the film has garnered widespread acclaim, sparking a resurgence of interest in authentic storytelling.
“Lambi race ka Ghoda,” as the saying goes, perfectly describes the film’s magic. In a time where audiences crave substance over spectacle, “Kartam Bhugtam” emerges as a shining example of a film that transcends expectations and resonates deeply with viewers. The film’s success is not merely measured in box office numbers – audiences are raving about it, and the film’s impact is clear. This movie isn’t just entertaining, it is leaving a lasting impression.
Soham expressed his contentment and said, “The journey of “Kartam Bhugtam” has been amazing! It has received immense support from cinephiles who have championed its cause and the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting for their significant validation. It’s word of mouth that’s made all the difference, ensuring that audiences flock to the theaters, eager to experience its magic themselves”
Shreyas Talpade, Vijay Raaz, Madhoo, and others are also receiving praise for stellar performances in the film. Cinemas are noticing its success, seeing steady growth every day. This has led to more screens being added to meet the high demand, signaling an upward trajectory for Soham P Shah’s directorial venture.