Soorma producer Deepak Singh is all set to come up with the new festival film Continuity. This film is very different from other films as its having a different source of the story. when a shooting crew meets a hawker and what are the consequences of the Shoot crew and vegetable seller is the main backdrop of the film .
Film is featuring In main leads Phalguni Khanna is a renowned face in ad world ,done more than 100 ads , this is her first film in Hindi. Karan Singh chabra famous host and actor also featuring Splitsvilla fame Soundous Moifakir.
Falguni said , she met Deepak ji via common friend and he called her for the narration i like the story so much but then also i was little worried I asked Deepakji you sure i can do this role? This the trust he have shown in me.very thankful to him
Soundous Is doing her first debut in the acting via Continuity. She said i was surprised when sir offer me this film i didn’t take a single minute to say yes. And i am sure I wil prove myself in this film.
Deepakji met Karan Singh Chhabra at the time of IIFI at Goa and Karan told him that he wants to do short film and Deepak ji offered him continuity..
A total of 28 characters were in the short film of 20 minutes. And 118 people crew , who worked consistently day and night to give this best.Dipayan Mandal, Vikas Kumar , and Jenny sarkar had been a great help to me to make this and setup this film told Deepak Singh.