Independent filmmaker Siddharth Chauhan’s highly anticipated debut feature film, “Amar Colony,” is set to arrive on Open Theatre on July 5th. The film, which has garnered critical acclaim and awards on the festival circuit, promises a unique and thought-provoking exploration of the human condition.
Starring Nimisha Nair, Sangeeta Agrawal and Usha Chauhan, Sreejith Vijay, Ayush Shrivastava, Deepak Sharma and others, Amar Colony takes viewers on a captivating journey into the lives of the residents of a small apartment complex nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas. Through a blend of reality and fantasy, the film delves into the characters’ deepest desires, frustrations, and struggles.
Chauhan’s vision has been recognized awarded by some of the most prestigious film festivals like Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK), among others.
Director and writer Siddharth Chauhan says, “Amar Colony isn’t your typical film. It’s a deeply personal project, a world I hold close, filled with characters wrestling with their “inner turmoil.” Each one grapples with a touch of delusion, and the atmosphere is undeniably absurd. My biggest champions were the producers, who believed in my vision and gave me the freedom to create something truly unconventional. At its heart, Amar Colony explores the profound emptiness Devki feels in her restrictive home, the crushing loneliness Meera experiences wandering the desolate corridors, and the purposelessness that colors Durga’s life amidst her religious delusions. It’s a film that delves into the human condition, showcasing it through a warped, yet strangely relatable, lens.”
The film is produced by ‘Indie Film Collective’, a film initiative launched by Nisheeth Kumar and his friends in India in 2018, in association with Goopy Bagha Productions.
“Amar Colony” is a culmination of love and passion. It delves into the hidden depths of human desires and anxieties, following the intertwined lives of three women residing in a cramped apartment building nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas,” Kumar added.