Tripti Dimri, who has delivered a much acclaimed performance in ‘Laila Majnu’ earlier this year, has been felicitated for her work in the film industry at 9th Uttrakhand Film Awards (UFA), 2018. With what is just being said as a start, Tripti has initiated her journey from getting honoured at a place which is close to her heart.
Actresses like Anushka Sharma have been recipients of this prestigious award in past. These awards were initiated in the year 2001 by Uttarakhand Film Association. This association aims towards evolution, progress and promotion of Film and Television Industry within the state of Uttarakhand.
Tripti Dimri, was delighted to be awarded with such honour and this becomes more special for her because she hails from Uttarakhand. The actress received overwhelming response from the critics and media for her performance in the debut film Laila Majnu. Not just this, the modernised Laila won hearts of the many with the twists she brought in her character. Indeed, it was a well deserved recognization for her.