Actor Varun Mitra recently moved us all with his unforgettable performance in the critically acclaimed film ‘Rakshak India’s Braves’. A story of pride and valour, the film starred the actor in the role of Late Lieutenant Triveni Singh and earned him much appreciation from the audiences and critics. His next titled ‘Tejas’, an aerial actioner is based on the extraordinary journey of a Female Air Force pilot. The Indian Air Force (IAF) is the first of India’s defence forces to induct women into combat roles. The film Tejas is set in 2016 when this historic decision was rolled out.
Directed by Sarvesh Mewara, the film features actor Kangana Ranaut opposite Varun Mitra in the lead. While Kangana Ranaut will be seen in the titular role of ‘Tejas Gill’ – an Air Force Pilot, Varun Mitra will be seen essaying the role of a musician in the film. According to insiders, the actor’s introductory song in the film is sung by Arijit Singh who has also crooned for the actor in his film ‘Jalebi’.
Slated to be released in theatres on October 20, ‘Tejas’ is written and directed by Sarvesh Mewara, and produced by RSVP.